Therapists In Shrewsbury

therapists in shrewsbury

Shrewsbury, Therapists In Shrewsbury

Are you looking for professional therapists in Shrewsbury? Are you struggling with a mental illness? Are you looking for someone to talk to? I am one of the most successful therapists in Shrewsbury, and I can help you overcome your problems.

therapists in shrewsbury

Find out what type of therapy works best for you.

There are different types of therapies available for people suffering from mental illnesses. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most common forms of psychotherapy used by therapists. CBT helps patients identify negative thoughts and behaviours that contribute to their symptoms. It also teaches them how to replace these thoughts and behaviours with more positive ones.

Paula works with couples to help them with their relationships.

Learn about the different therapies available.

There are several different kinds of therapy that can help you overcome your psychological challenges. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviours that contribute to emotional distress. It teaches you how to identify and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns and replace them with more positive ones. CBT also helps you learn to manage emotions and develop healthy ways of responding to stressful situations.

Contact Paula today – One of the best Therapists in SHrewsbury!

Paula is a a qualified, person centered, counselor and psychotherapist (MBACP)  with more than 20 years of experience helping people improve their lives through counseling and psychotherapy.

She has worked with clients suffering from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, trauma, relationship issues, and other psychological concerns.

Paula’s goal is to help her clients achieve greater happiness and success in life by improving their relationships, managing stress, and learning new skills.

Schedule an Appointment with Paula

If you would like to schedule an appointment with me, please call my office at 0744 359 4396. I am available Monday through Friday between 9am and 7pm.

Relationship Therapy

relationship therapy

Relationship Therapy

The Benefits of Relationship Therapy

Relationship therapy is a form of counselling that helps couples learn how to communicate better and resolve conflicts in a positive manner. It also teaches them skills for maintaining good communication and improving their overall relationship quality.

relationship therapy

Why you should Try this type of Therapy

Therapy for relationships is a type of counselling that focuses on helping couples improve their relationships. This type of counseling is often used when one partner has been diagnosed with a mental disorder such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. In these cases, the therapist will work with both partners to help them understand what caused the problem and develop strategies to prevent future issues.

Common Issues That Can Be Resolved with Couples Therapy

There are several common issues that can be resolved through couples therapy. These include:

      • Communication Problems
      • Conflict Resolution
      • Family Issues
      • Marital Issues
      • Parental Issues
      • Sexual Dysfunction
      • Substance Abuse
      • Trust Issues

When Is Therapy Right For Me?

If you feel like there is something wrong with your current relationship, then this kind of therapy might be right for you. You should seek out professional help when you need it because you will not always be able to resolve these issues alone.

How Relationship Therapy Works

It works by helping couples learn how to communicate better with each other. It also helps them understand why they behave the way they do and what they can do to make things better.

In conclusion

Relationship therapy can be a great tool for helping couples work through issues they may be facing.

Rocky relationships will benefit from professional therapy, and is a form of counselling that helps couples improve their relationships. It’s also known as couples therapy because it involves two people who are struggling with a relationship issue. Couples therapy is different than individual therapy, which is usually done by a professional counselor. Individual therapy is typically done by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

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Counselling for Depression

counselling for depression

Counselling for Depression: What Is it, And How Do I Find The Right Person?

Depression affects millions of people every year. however, it’s important to remember that no matter how bad things seem, you aren’t alone. Many people experience depression at some point in their lives, and there are many different types of treatment options available.
counselling for depression

Talking About Mental Health

If you’re feeling depressed, talk to your doctor about what you’re going through. They will likely recommend talking with a counsellor or therapist such as myself. As a professional I can provide support and guidance as you work towards improving your mental health. Please contact me.

What is Depression?

Depression is an emotional state characterised by feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, lack of energy, and thoughts of death or suicide. It affects more than 300 million people worldwide.

Signs You May Be Depressed

If you think you might be depressed, talk to your doctor. They will ask questions about how you are feeling and what has been happening in your life recently. They will also do a physical exam to check for any medical issues that could cause symptoms similar to those of depression.

Getting Support

If you think you might be suffering from depression, talk to your doctor or seek my professional support. You can also find local support groups through NHS.

How to find depression support groups

Visit the Mind website for information about support groups in your area.

If you’re a carer and affected by depression, ring the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053 to find out how to meet other carers.

Or you can ask your GP or your local psychological therapies team about depression support groups in your area.

What happens at a support group?

Sitting and talking isn’t the only thing that happens at meetings. Lots of groups organise social events and arrange special activities to help boost your mood and improve your wellbeing.

Going to a group for the first time can be daunting, but you can be sure of a warm welcome. People will understand how hard it can be to take that first step.


In conclusion, depression is a serious condition that affects millions of people around the world. There are many ways to find support, including talking with friends, family members, and professional counsellors. 

Shrewsbury Counselling

Shrewsbury Counselling

Shrewsbury Counselling

I have been working in shrewsbury, counselling children and young people for may years. This type of counselling is for anyone who is struggling with mental health concerns. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, issues with school or at home, counselling will help to work through the problems.

What Does a Counselor do?

Counselors are professionally trained to help and guide people working through their personal and emotional issues. Individuals like Paula, who choose a career as a counselor, provide a safe and confidential environment in which clients can learn to work through their issues and develop strategies to address and resolve problems on their own. My own business focuses on Shrewsbury counselling and therapy.

The Daily Grind

Do you struggle getting a good night’s sleep; do you wake up in the early hours obsessing about yesterday, or worrying about the day to come? You’ve invested so much time and emotional effort; worked so hard to get to a good place in your life, and yet every day still feels like a fight.

You are tired, can’t focus and will do anything and everything you can to distract yourself from the pain you’re feeling.

Do you stay in your comfortable yet unfulfilling relationship, or take the risk and leave, start again?

Have you got the courage to even speak out loud, the words you’ve been turning over and over in your head?

Shrewsbury Counselling

Professional Shrewsbury Counselling – Let me Help You

The very fact you’re reading this means that your life isn’t working out the way you thought it might. Your problems are issues that have been building up over time, or maybe something’s happened out of the blue, turning your whole world upside down. You know something has to change but it’s so hard to the wood from the trees.

​If you do decide to work with me you’ll get a safe, confidential space to tell your story, your way, and together we’ll work out what you need right now, where you want to be and how you can get there. We can agree to meet for a small number of focused sessions to get you through the immediate challenge or you may decide you need longer to make more significant life changes.

I strongly believe that with the right, confidential support you have the ability to resolve your problems and difficulties, to make the positive changes you want in your life. You can call me in confidence on 07858 757 561.

If you are looking for a counselor in Shrewsbury, including couples counselling,  then look no further than me.


Couples Counselling

couples counselling

Everything You Need to Know About Counselling for Couples.

What Is Couples Counselling?

Couples Counselling takes place with a licensed therapist who has clinical experience working with couples. They are most often a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), who is employed to help couples involved in a relationship gain insight into that relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction by introducing a variety of therapeutic interventions.

couples therapy

Although the practice of behavioral couples therapy may vary depending on the therapist’s theoretical orientation, all couples therapy tends to involve the following general elements:

    • Focusing on a specific problem (i.e. sexual difficulties, lack of intimacy, jealousy etc.)
    • Solution and/or change-oriented interventions
    • Active participation on the part of the therapist in treating the relationship itself, as opposed to the individuals
    • Clear treatment objectives

What Can We Expect in Our Couples Therapy?

The majority of couples who enter couples counselling for the first time, really don’t know what to expect, and this is to be expected.

Usually, your therapy session will start as the professional asks some opening interview questions regarding the history of the relationship. As the treatment progresses the therapist will delve deeper into each partner’s family-of-origin, values, and cultural background.

If they feel it is warranted, the counselor might use the initial sessions for crisis intervention.

The role of the counselor is to try and guide the couple as they identify the issue(s) that will become the focus of their treatment. This stage is very important for establishing treatment goals and planning a structure for treatment as counseling progresses.

During treatment, the therapist will help the couple gain insight into the relational dynamics creating the problem and guide both partners to understand their roles in the dysfunctional interactions. This greater insight on relationship issues and distress will help them change the way they perceive the relationship and each other.

couples therapy

Another crucial aspect of couples therapy involves actually changing behaviors. Couples therapists will often ask the couple to complete tasks away from the interview process in order to apply the skills they have learned during their couples counselling sessions, and add these to their day-to-day interactions.

The majority of couples end up with a greater knowledge of their relational patterns and with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and problem-solve with their partners, thanks to their therapy.

Without doubt, any type of successful relationship is hard work. Much like vehicles, they require regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly. It is better to repair problems before they get out of control and become larger complications further down the road.

Couples who are invested in their relationship, can do some of the basic maintenance and repairs themselves, but at other times, behavioral couples counselling with the help and guidance of a licensed professional may be the best way to go. This type of relationship counseling is focused on improving relationship satisfaction and offers conflict resolution between a couple. The ultimate goal for me, as a professional counselor, is to help build or repair healthy relationships and to address any issues that may be present.

When Should We Have Couples Counselling?

Ideally, before the relationship is not in a real crisis. Unfortunately, just like looking in the mirror, you only notice the changes when they become a problem as they develop gradually over time. Most couples will not bother doing anything if there’s nothing urgently wrong.

 “I wish more couples reached out for therapy before they had a catastrophic problem”.

Couples counseling can be a great resource while you’re going through a specific life event. But it can also just be about strengthening some aspect of your relationship.

With regular attention, couples counseling can be preventative. You and your partner will be in a much better position to spot and deal with those larger issues if you’re not at each other’s throats.

How Do We Find a Therapist Who is Right for Us?

Finding a therapist who is right for you as a couple is possibly the hardest part of the whole process. It takes time and effort. It might take a couple of weeks, or even months, to find the right person. It is important to spend the time and energy going through this process as it will produce better results for your relationship in the end.

Think about your location and scheduling requirements? Do you have a gender preference, or want someone from a certain cultural background?

I would recommend getting a referral if you can, see if any of your friends know of anybody. You could also ask a trusted medical professional, such as your Doctor.

It is important that you keep an open mind. “You might have a mental image of how you think the right therapist looks like, but allow yourself to be surprised. You don’t really know how it feels to be in the room with someone until you are actually in that situation, talking to them face to face. Both of you must feel comfortable and respected.

 counselling for couples

How Should We Prepare for our First Session?

Obviously you need to ask about their fees and their professional background. Make sure they are licensed. Please do not expect a ‘free trial’; therapists are professionals and will ask both of you to come in for a proper first session, which you will be expected to pay for. Couples therapy is usually a bit more expensive than individual therapy.

What if my Partner is not as Keen as me on having Therapy?

Hopefully you are both invested equally in receiving therapy, after all it is a relationship. However, quite often one of you is going to be more open to the process than the other.

“When one person wants to go more than the other, it’s very important that they let their partner know how much they appreciate their willingness to go”.

It should be crystal clear that it is an opportunity for both of you to explain what is on your mind and express how it is making them feel, couples counselling is not just a one-way street.

Once both of you are in the room with the therapist, it is their job to draw out the less-enthusiastic half. A good counselor is trained to do that. Your goal as the invested half of the relationship is to get your partner through the door,  where the professional takes over.

What do we do if the Therapist does not appear to be working for us?

If one of you isn’t feeling comfortable with the direction therapy is going, do not quit immediately. Try talking to your therapist about it. “A lot of people think that they’re going to hurt their therapist’s feelings if they say they’re uncomfortable in the room, or upset about something the therapist said,” but a good therapist should welcome that information. “Communicating what you are feeling about the sessions can actually lead to very fruitful conversations“.

Of course, sometimes it  just is not the right fit, despite research and that’s okay too.

couple talking in coffee shop

What Kinds of Results should we Expect?

This is totally dependent on the individual situation, as no two are the same. Even the best therapist cannot perform miracles and save certain relationships.

Sometimes couples come to therapy not even sure that they want their relationship to be saved. “All I ask of my clients is their commitment to doing the work,”.

It’s nice if they’re committed to the other person, but the most important thing is that they’re committed to working to improve the relationship.

You need to be explicit about your expectations and goals. “I think it’s a good idea, in the first few sessions, to figure out one or two goals that you want to work on as a couple”. “Sometimes progress is hard to measure. Feelings might shift without being noticed at first, or there might be a slight change in behavior in one or even both people However, it is very important to pay attention. Remember, even the slightest pieces of progress is progress.

Next Steps

If you are ready to book or would like to talk to me about the possibility of getting couples counselling you can either call or contact me by email.

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Relationship Advice

relationship advice

Relationship Advice for Couples

Have you reached the point where relationship advice will be beneficial for you and your partner? Are you in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere? Do you feel like your partner doesn’t care about you anymore? Or are you in a relationship that needs some TLC? I am here to offer you relationship advice on how to keep things going strong.

relationship advice

How to Be More Empathetic

Being empathetic means being able to understand what another person is feeling and thinking. It’s not just about listening to others; it’s also about understanding them.

Communication is Key to Avoiding Conflict

Communication is an essential part of any relationship. If you’re having trouble communicating with your partner, try these tips:

      1. Be open to hearing each other out
      2. Don’t interrupt when talking
      3. Avoid sarcasm and put yourself in the other person’s shoes
      4. Ask questions to help clarify things
      5. Keep your tone positive
      6. Make eye contact
      7. Listen actively
      8. Focus on the present moment
      9. Take turns speaking
      10. Give compliments

Relationship Advice & The Importance of Communication

It’s not enough to just communicate with your partner; you also need to listen to them. Listening is one of the most effective ways to build trust and strengthen relationships.

How to Communicate When Things Go Wrong

Communication is key when things go wrong in a relationship. It’s also important to communicate well before things go wrong so you can prevent them from happening in the first place.

Talk About Your Feelings

If you’re feeling neglected by your partner, talk about your feelings with them. Don’t let things go unnoticed. You might not realize how much your partner cares about you until you start talking about your feelings.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

If you feel like you need help with something, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. You might not think you need help, but there’s no harm in asking for it.

Take Time Off From Each Other

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’re too busy to take time off from each other. However, taking some time away from each other will allow you both to recharge and re-energise.

Know When You’re Ready to Move On

If you’ve been cheated on by your spouse, then you need to make sure that you’re ready to move on. This means that you need to be emotionally prepared to leave your marriage behind.

In conclusion

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. Whether it’s with family members, friends, coworkers, or romantic partners, communicating effectively is crucial to maintaining healthy relationships.

It’s important to remember that no matter how long you’ve been together, you’ll always need to take care of yourself. And if you feel like your marriage is in trouble, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

It’s also important to remember that even though you’re married, you still deserve to enjoy life as an individual. So make sure you spend some quality time alone every now and then.

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