Shrewsbury Counselling
I have been working in shrewsbury, counselling children and young people for may years. This type of counselling is for anyone who is struggling with mental health concerns. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, issues with school or at home, counselling will help to work through the problems.
What Does a Counselor do?
Counselors are professionally trained to help and guide people working through their personal and emotional issues. Individuals like Paula, who choose a career as a counselor, provide a safe and confidential environment in which clients can learn to work through their issues and develop strategies to address and resolve problems on their own. My own business focuses on Shrewsbury counselling and therapy.
The Daily Grind
Do you struggle getting a good night’s sleep; do you wake up in the early hours obsessing about yesterday, or worrying about the day to come? You’ve invested so much time and emotional effort; worked so hard to get to a good place in your life, and yet every day still feels like a fight.
You are tired, can’t focus and will do anything and everything you can to distract yourself from the pain you’re feeling.
Do you stay in your comfortable yet unfulfilling relationship, or take the risk and leave, start again?
Have you got the courage to even speak out loud, the words you’ve been turning over and over in your head?
Professional Shrewsbury Counselling – Let me Help You
The very fact you’re reading this means that your life isn’t working out the way you thought it might. Your problems are issues that have been building up over time, or maybe something’s happened out of the blue, turning your whole world upside down. You know something has to change but it’s so hard to the wood from the trees.
If you do decide to work with me you’ll get a safe, confidential space to tell your story, your way, and together we’ll work out what you need right now, where you want to be and how you can get there. We can agree to meet for a small number of focused sessions to get you through the immediate challenge or you may decide you need longer to make more significant life changes.
I strongly believe that with the right, confidential support you have the ability to resolve your problems and difficulties, to make the positive changes you want in your life. You can call me in confidence on 07858 757 561.
If you are looking for a counselor in Shrewsbury, including couples counselling, then look no further than me.